DJ: ‘I can see for miles’ - The Who (Request: Geoff W)
‘It requires a direct dispensation from Heaven to becomea walker. You must be born into a family of walkers …’Henry David Thoreau
03 - First-Team Parade
‘It is not talking butwalking that will bringus to heaven’Matthew Henry
03 - First-Team Parade
03 - First-Team Parade
‘There is more to life than increasing its speed.Mahatma Ghandi
03 - First-Team Parade
‘Slow down and enjoy life.It’s not only the scenery you miss by going too fast,you also miss the sense of where you are going and why.’Eddie Cantor
‘The sum of the whole is this:walk and be happy; walk and be healthy.The best way to lengthen out our daysis to walk steadily and with purpose.’Charles Dickens
03 - First-Team Parade
‘The sum of the whole is this:walk and be happy; walk and be healthy.The best way to lengthen out our daysis to walk steadily and with purpose.’Charles Dickens
03 - First-Team Parade
‘If you are seeking creative ideas, go out walking.Angels whisper to a man when he goes for a walk.’’Raymond Inman